Friday, December 21, 2012

TIES 2012 Resources

Minnesota's annual Technology in Education Conference took place December 10-11th, who had . New Ulm had six staff members participate in two days of fast-pasted technology focused conversations in Minneapolis.

Part of the beauty in educational conferences is the obvious willingness (well, need) to share and learn from those around you. A framework of collaboration at the TIES Conference is built on their CONFERENCE WIKI , which is a website build by the teachers presenting at the TIES Conference. 

Check out the conference wiki here for the schedule, breakout session descriptions, websites, presentations, videos and handouts from almost every session at the conference. If you see something on the schedule and want to know more, click on the links or search the web and you should find the presentation. I "virtually attend" many conferences for the free learning you can get just by lurking on a conference schedule and watching the links people post to twitter during sessions. 

The opening Keynote speaker Simon Sinek, talk about how to help those around you inspire one another to take positive action. Author of the book, "Start with Why," Simon's message was very well received and challenges everyone to ask themselves, "Why do you do what you do?" on a daily basis.  

Here is Simon Sinek's 18 minute TED Talk called, How great leaders inspire action, and is definitely worth a watch. 

When I attend a conference I use an approach taken from the Google Teacher Academies and the Superhero Tech Conference here in Minnesota, spelled out is this post by Sean Beaverson, Secondary Technology Coordinator in Bloomington, MN, I look at finding the Big Three take-aways from any education workshop:

#1 - AHA! What is one idea that you can implement in the next week. This is your aha moment. An idea that you’d been thinking about or working on suddenly became clear to you and you’re ready to implement it.

#2 - BIG IDEA - this is something you’re thinking about, but it will take some more planning and even learning to plan it. This is likely a collection of new ideas that you are working to synthesize into implementation.

#3 - Your Dream Project - You don't know how to do it, but you're pretty sure it can be done. You have new information and new ideas that get you closer to implementation, but it's a long term project and there is still more to learn. You let this one simmer.
Above Big Three Quoted from

Here are my "Big Three's" from TIES 2012

1. Simon Sinek’s speech really connected with me when he was talking about how we need to purposely be using technology to solve a problem in our classrooms. I think his definitions and explanations for why it is so important for educators look at exactly how we are teaching in our classrooms and schools and what technology can be used to more or less speed-up or enhance daily tasks. To me, this pressured me to revisit the learning initiatives we are focusing on in the technology department in New Ulm, and look at how we need to do more with staff to support how first and foremost Google Apps can be more efficient and effective in how we communicate and collaborate with staff, but also share with and support teachers more to show how student learning can be enhanced by engaging and manipulating content in ways never before possible. While our district is working more with the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) Model below, his speech reminds me that it is always important how we implement, train, model and support technology throughout the district.

2. Tips for Staff: Technology is constantly changing and I often find or hear simple tech tips and tricks that might help someone. Right now I am only sharing these on a blog and emailing them out to staff in a list. I know that there is a limit to the amount of emails someone will read from you before they just create a filter for the emails and forget about them and I want to hit the happy medium for how to do share this with all staff. I want to follow the lead of a few teachers I met at TIES and create short videos that are 45 seconds or less that show 1) How to do something 2) Put it on YouTube where it can be accessed from anywhere.

3. Kite Aerial Photography: I realize I’m not in the classroom anymore, but I really want to do an Aerial Photography project (or find a classroom teacher interested) and stitch that photography to an interactive map. I listened to two teachers from Brainerd present about the photography balloons they have been launching with different classes around twice a year and think it would be a great way to explore the area immediately around you. The equipment includes a large weather balloon, a camera set to take pictures every 5-10 seconds (or flip camera), and some cheap prepaid cell phone that can text it’s GPS coordinates on a regular basis. The actual “thing” you launch in the air ends up created and being flown by your students. There are many sites with how-to’s and programs to make cameras take the pictures every 10 seconds, as well as stitching the aerial photos to an interactive map. General website info here:

What if the 2012 class picture was an Aerial Photo of every student standing outside the high school from a floating balloon-camera-gps they designed?

Jefferson's 3rd Grade Teacher, Travis Raske pumped out this long list of websites, Apps, and other links for his staff right after the conference. Link to Travis' Resources

We are collecting more "ready made" TIES resources to share our learning with you soon.

Have a great break!

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